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Let’s Know More About Our Strong Friends: Our Teeth
The digestive process first begins in the mouth. Therefore, teeth are a very important part of the digestive system. It has tasks such as cutting, plucking and chewing solid foods. The visible part of the teeth is called crowns. Approximately 1/3 of the length of the teeth is crown. The part covered by the gums is called the neck. From the outside, the invisible part of the jawbone is called the root. Root forms the remaining 2/3 of teeth length. Teeth consist of enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp. A healthy mouth has a total of 32 teeth.
What are the Types of Teeth?
The front teeth in the lower and upper jaws are called incisors. As its name suggests, it cuts solid food. There are 8 incisors in one mouth.
The teeth located in the corners of the mouth and next to the incisor teeth. It has the task of severing solid foods. There are a total of 4 in one mouth.
They are grinding teeth just behind the canines. They are useful for crushing and chewing solid foods. They are available in 2 different types as small and big molars. There are a total of 20 molars, 8 small and 12 big.
What are the Layers of the Teeth?
The externally visible crown of the teeth is enamel and is the hardest tissue in the body. The most important feature of a healthy enamel is that it is hard. It is very important to protect the sensitive tissues inside the tooth. Their primary function is to resist abrasive acidic sebstances through enzymes in the mouth. It is not easily affected by temperature changes.
The second layer under the enamel is the dentin layer. It is sensitive to temperature changes. 3/4 of the tooth consists of this material. It is a renewable layer thanks to its renewal cells.
It is a soft tissue located at the innermost part of the tooth. Nerves and blood vessels are here. While blood vessels feed and regenerate dentine, nerves transfer senses to the brain, such as temperature differences.
It is the name of the layer covering the root part. It is thin and has a bony structure. Although its hardness is not up to the enamel, its main task is to keep the root attached to the jaw.